Conceptual Writing, Experimental Poetry and Humour
Laughter is a physical manifestation or, as Jean-Luc Nancy wrote, it is “the body shaken with no way thought” (2008: 109). In a performance of conceptual poetry you hear as much laughter as in a stand-up comedy performance. However, in the academic world, conceptual writing has been treated mainly as a cerebral and intellectual exercise. Enthusiasts and critics alike often take conceptualist works too seriously.
Eds.: Bruno Ministro, João Paulo Guimarães
Table of contents:
7 |Introduction: Why so Serious?
Bruno Ministro, João Paulo Guimarães
11 | Ambivalent Laughter: Conceptual Poetry's Humor and Metamodernism
Elina Siltanen
27 | Homo Humour: Metamodernist Acts of Secrecy, Homosexual Identity and Humorous Word Play
Lee Campbell
55| Can I Laugh or Should I Cry? Humor and Politics in Some Cases of Contemporary Experimental Writing in Latin America
Leonardo Villa-Forte
71| "Insomma, una Beffa". Humour as a Form or Re-writing, Re-engaging, Re-thinking Women. The Experimental Poetry of Giulia Niccolai
Marzia D'Amico